Hove Center for Facial Plastic Surgery

Side Effects after Eyelid Surgery

Mar 22, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by Hove Center for Facial Plastic Surgery
Tagged with: Eyelid Surgery Plastic Surgery

The eyes are one of a person’s most expressive facial features. With all of the attention that the eyes get, it is understandable that most people want to keep them looking as good as possible. Unfortunately, the skin around the eyes is extremely delicate, and this makes it especially vulnerable to the effects of aging and prolonged exposure to harsh environmental elements. Eyelid surgery addresses cosmetic blemishes around the eyes, including loose skin and heavy bags, to restore a more youthful and refreshed appearance. The results of eyelid surgery are impressive, but patients should be prepared for the recovery period that will follow treatment.

After eyelid surgery, patients can expect to experience side effects. Dr. Christopher R. Hove discusses the most common eyelid surgery side effects following treatment at his Paoli, PA facial plastic surgery practice.

Side Effects

Eyelid surgery is often described by Dr. Hove as the plastic surgery procedure that provides the “biggest return on your investment.” This is because the cost of eyelid surgery and the time that is required for recovery is minimal compared to its dramatic results. In most cases, surgical stitches are removed and patients are ready to return to work within just a week after treatment. Although recovery is fairly short, patients will experience side effects in the days immediately following their procedure.

Below are some of the most common side effects of eyelid surgery:

While it is normal for patients to experience these side effects, it is important for patients to carefully monitor their recovery. If these side effects do not dissipate on their own, or if any unusual side effects develop, they should be reported to Dr. Hove as soon as possible so that any surgical complications can be addressed.

Schedule an Appointment

Eyelid surgery rejuvenates the delicate skin around the eyes to restore a more youthful and alert appearance. If you are bothered by loose, saggy skin around the upper or lower lids, it is time to find out if eyelid surgery is right for you. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Christopher R. Hove at your earliest convenience.