Hove Center for Facial Plastic Surgery

Eyelid Surgery vs Brow Lift: Anti-Aging Options

Mar 14, 2018 @ 03:45 PM — by Hove Center for Facial Plastic Surgery
Tagged with: Eyelid Surgery Brow Lift Facial Plastic Surgery

When it comes to aging, most people think about the lower part of the face. Yet the forehead and eyes undergo a number of changes as a person gets older. That's why so many people throughout the Philadelphia, PA area ask us about cosmetic eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) and brow lift procedures. Both are effective anti-aging surgeries, though they work in different ways.

Let’s take a moment to compare these two procedures and consider when one may be more ideal than the other. During a consultation, we’ll create a custom treatment plan just for you and your needs.

About Eyelid Surgery

Cosmetic eyelid surgery specifically targets the upper or lower eyelids. The procedure helps reduce sagging, drooping, puffiness, and other issues affecting the eyelids. Incisions are located along the natural fold of the upper eyelid or beneath the eyelashes of the lower eyelid, which helps keep post-surgical scarring hidden from view.

Ideal Candidates for Eyelid Surgery

Good candidates for eyelid surgery should be in good overall health and not suffer from medical conditions that would cause the eyelid procedure to be a risky endeavor. As with all surgeries, it’s important for patients to understand the risks and benefits involved and to have realistic expectations about what the procedure can achieve.

When Eyelid Surgery Is Most Ideal

Eyelid surgery is most ideal for people who suffer from problems that impact the overall appearance of the eye area. If the eyelids hang very low and block out part of your field of vision, the procedure can be quite helpful, both cosmetically and for your general vision quality and well-being.

Eyelid surgery will not be able to treat the upper brow area, which includes the skin around the eyebrows that may droop over the upper portion of the eyes. Another procedure will need to be considered for those matters.

About Brow Lift

Also known as a forehead lift, the brow lift is designed to address lines and wrinkles of the forehead. Brow lift targets both dynamic wrinkles (lines that appear when making certain facial expressions) as well as static wrinkles (lines that are present no matter what). The surgery involves incisions made along the hairline, through which undying structures of the forehead can be revised and the remaining skin can be pulled tighter.

Ideal Candidates for Brow Lift

Like eyelid surgery, good candidates for brow lift understand the risks and benefits involved in the procedure. Candidates for the surgery also have realistic expectations about what the procedure involves and what the results of surgery will be like. Realistic expectations and full knowledge of the procedure tends to improve patient satisfaction.

When Brow Lift Is Most Ideal

A brow lift is most ideal when a person suffers from unwanted forehead lines and wrinkles. Thanks to a brow lift, a person can look years younger and more relaxed. A brow lift or a variation on the procedure can be performed specifically to address skin of the brow area that hangs over part of the eyes.

Learn More About Anti-Aging Options

For more information about eyelid surgery, brow lift, and other options for facial rejuvenation, be sure to contact the Hove Center for Facial Plastic Surgery. We will work closely with you and determine the ideal option for your anti-aging needs.