Hove Center for Facial Plastic Surgery

BOTOX® Injections vs. Dermal Fillers: Cosmetic Injectable Options

Sep 17, 2018 @ 11:45 AM — by Hove Center for Facial Plastic Surgery
Tagged with: Botox Dermal Fillers Cosmetic Injectables Skin Care

While plastic surgery can have drastic effects on your appearance, eliminating countless lines and wrinkles in the process, many patients have come to Dr. Christopher R. Hove for cosmetic skin care and nonsurgical anti-aging treatments. These procedures involve no downtime and can be completed in your lunch hour. The most popular nonsurgical treatments at our Paoli, PA practice tend to be cosmetic injectables.

There are generally two kinds of injectables that can be used to eliminate lines and wrinkles:

The team at the Hove Center for Facial Plastic Surgery would like to take a moment to compare these two options.

About BOTOX® Injections

BOTOX® injections are cosmetic solutions that help halt the muscle contractions in the injection site. By doing this, the skin around these injection sites, the dynamic wrinkles caused by muscle contractions do not occur and the skin smooths out. The result is a face free from lines and wrinkles, and a better overall appearance in the process.

Wrinkles BOTOX® Injections Can Treat

As noted above, BOTOX® injections are ideal for dynamic wrinkles, which are wrinkles caused by muscle contractions of the face. These wrinkles include:

With BOTOX® injections, patients can be free from these signs of age.

How Long Do BOTOX® Injections Last?

The exact duration of BOTOX® injections can vary from patient to patient. For most BOTOX® injection patients, the effects of the injections last for up to six months, sometimes a bit longer. When the effects of the BOTOX® therapy have worn off, an additional injection can be performed to prolong the overall results.

About Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are injectable cosmetics that help fill in wrinkles, lines, and hollows of all kinds. Their role is to add volume to the face where needed, and to reverse the signs of aging in the process. There are many types of dermal fillers available, though the two most well known kinds of dermal fillers tend to be collagen-based or hyaluronic-acid-based.

Some of the most well known dermal fillers include:

Issues Dermal Fillers Can Treat

Dermal fillers are rather versatile, allowing cosmetic surgeons to treat all kinds of problems using these substances. Many fillers are able to address static wrinkles just fine, which means wrinkles that are visible even when a person is not making any kind of facial expression. Fillers can also fill in acne scars, enhance the size and shape of the lips, and add fullness to the face when features appear hollow or sunken in.

How Long Do Dermal Fillers Last?

Most dermal fillers will last for around six months to a year, with repeat treatments, the results can be prolonged for many additional months on end. Some specially formulated dermal fillers can last even longer, though they may not be ideal for some patients. The right filler for you can be determined as part of the consultation process.

Combining Dermal Fillers with BOTOX® Injections

Don’t think that BOTOX® injections and dermal fillers can only be used separately. For certain wrinkles and lines, the best option for treatment is to combine BOTOX® injections with dermal fillers. Vertical lip lines/smoker’s lines around the mouth are often treated in such a manner.

Contact the Hove Center for Facial Plastic Surgery

For more information about skin care treatments and anti-aging procedures that do not involve surgery, be sure to contact an experienced cosmetic plastic surgeon. We hare here to help you achieve all of your aesthetic goals. You can also reach the Hove Center for Facial Plastic Surgery by calling us at (610) 647-3727.