Hove Center for Facial Plastic Surgery

Forehead Lift with BOTOX or Surgery

Jun 10, 2019 @ 07:55 PM — by Hove Center for Facial Plastic Surgery
Tagged with: Brow Lift Botox Facial Plastic Surgery Cosmetic Injectables

Lines and wrinkles on the forehead can lead you to look years older than you really are. Thankfully, Dr. Christopher Hove offers advanced skin care and cosmetic facial surgery procedures that rejuvenate your appearance and remove unwanted signs of aging. Countless Philadelphia, PA patients have benefited from BOTOX® injections and forehead lift surgery at our practice.

But which treatment for brow lines is better?

Our team would like to take a moment to compare forehead lift surgery and BOTOX injections so you understand which one may be better for you.

How BOTOX Injections Work

BOTOX injections are ideal for dynamic wrinkles, meaning the wrinkles that appear when you make certain kinds of facial expressions. These are common around the brow and forehead region, especially when people frown.

The BOTOX solution will prevent muscle contractions from occurring around the injection site. This means that the dynamic wrinkles caused by certain facial expressions will not appear.

Ideal Candidates for BOTOX Injections

Good candidates for BOTOX injections are people who suffer from dynamic wrinkles who would prefer to avoid undergoing a surgical procedure. They should understand that BOTOX treatment results are temporary, and have a full understanding of all risks and benefits involved in the procedure.

The Pros and Cons of BOTOX Injections

The advantages of getting BOTOX injections for forehead rejuvenation are as follows:

The disadvantages of getting BOTOX injections for the forehead are as follows:

How Forehead Lift Surgery Works

Also known as a brow lift, forehead lift surgery involves incisions made behind a patient’s hairline. Through these incisions, the underlying structures of the forehead are adjusted and the forehead skin is pulled tighter. This leads to fewer wrinkles along he brow and a more youthful appearance.

Ideal Candidates for Forehead Lift Surgery

Good candidates for forehead lift surgery are people who have considerable lines and wrinkles along their brow area. They should be in good overall health and not suffer from medical conditions that would make the brow lift surgery a risk to general wellness. Patients should understand the risks and benefits involved in the surgery.

The Pros and Cons of Forehead Lift Surgery

The advantages of surgical forehead rejuvenation are as follows:

The disadvantages of surgical forehead rejuvenation are as follows:

Helping You Make the Right Facial Rejuvenation Choices

During your consultation at our practice serving the Philadelphia area, we will be more than happy to discuss your options for facial rejuvenation treatment. Based on your aesthetic needs and goals, we will can help you make the right decision to get rid of forehead wrinkles and other signs of aging. Our team is here for you.

Learn More About Facial Rejuvenation

For more information about getting rid of lines and wrinkles on your forehead, be sure to contact a skilled cosmetic surgeon and skin care specialist. We at the Hove Center for Facial Plastic Surgery are here to help. You can schedule a consultation by calling (610) 647-3727.